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The sessions

The benefit of being part of a group of four to five people is that you have an ongoing range of perspectives, there’s a cohort of support — and some useful challenge and feedback!


The first four sessions take place a week apart, then there’s a two-week gap till session five, then a three-week gap before session six. This format helps you to absorb the detail, learning and discovery, become a class-act with the concepts, tools and strategies — and it gives you time to make some real changes in your life.


Sessions include written and verbal exercises, listening, visualisation, imagination, discussion, reflection — and practising new ways of being, relating and communicating.


The course continues during the in-between weeks with individually appropriate activity.

Sessions start on Tuesdays or Thursdays, mornings or evenings, to suit you. You can be part of a new group, or create your own. Individual courses are available by arrangement.

Alternatively, choose the one-to-one coaching approach.

‘Through the small group work, Jonnie sensitively helped us explore and challenge our self beliefs, uncover what makes us tick and work out steps to achieving our goals. I now run a successful small business doing exactly what I love…it was Jonnie’s course that helped get me there.’

Clare R

‘Jonnie’s course is the perfect way to help you look forward, to evaluate where you want to be, and how to get there. Her easy style and simple techniques turn what might be a daunting task into the beginning of a fulfilling journey, and the shared discussion in a small group was a real positive.’

Emma R

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